Forms, Models and Mechanisms of Public-Private Partnerships in the Service Sector

  • Utemuratova Gulnarakhan Khojaniyazovna, Korakalpak State University assistant professor
Keywords: service sector, public-private partnership, project, public services, outsourcing, franchising


In this article, the forms of public-private partnership, the main directions of economic activity between state and private business entities, the economic content, goals and objectives, structure and models of the "public-private partnership" category, implementation of public-private partnership projects, its advantages, service provision the main forms of public-private partnership, the main features of this system, the role of public-private partnership in the system of interaction between the public and private sectors and its differences from outsourcing of public services and state franchising have been researched.


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How to Cite
Utemuratova Gulnarakhan Khojaniyazovna,. (2023). Forms, Models and Mechanisms of Public-Private Partnerships in the Service Sector. International Journal on Economics, Finance and Sustainable Development, 5(5), 67-79. Retrieved from