Retail Services of Commercial Banks: The Current State of Affairs and Future Prospects

  • Izbosarov Boburjon Bakhriddinovich Associate Professor of the Department of Banking, Tashkent Financial Institute, Doctor of Economic Sciences
  • Shakirov Sardor Inotdulla o’g’li Master's student of Banking and Audit, Tashkent Financial Institute
Keywords: commercial banks, retail banking services, trends, non-banking organizations, retail payment system


This article compares and contrasts the primary areas of commercial banks' operation and financial position to assess the level of efficacy of the measures put in place in the retail services sector. Additionally, research was done on non-banking firms that are actively competing in the retail financial services industry. The paper also expresses the author's thoughts and proposals for enhancing retail banking services even more.


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How to Cite
Bakhriddinovich, I. B., & o’g’li, S. S. I. (2023). Retail Services of Commercial Banks: The Current State of Affairs and Future Prospects. International Journal on Economics, Finance and Sustainable Development, 5(5), 87-96. Retrieved from