Analysis of Indonesia’s Car Exports During Vehicle Electrification in Export Destination Countries 2016-2022

  • Muhammad Naufal Universitas Islam Indonesia
  • Listya Endang Artiani Universitas Islam Indonesia
Keywords: Electric Vehicle, Car Export, EPD, Panel Regression


The concern for low-emission economic activities has made many countries electrify
vehicles as a step to reduce CO2 emissions. The share of electric vehicle (EV) sales in the world
continues to increase exponentially, accompanied by a decrease in the average price of EVs in the
world. This is feared to threaten Indonesia's car exports, which are dominated by the internal
combustion engine (ICE) type. This study aims to analyze the competitive advantage position of
Indonesia's car exports as well as the factors affecting Indonesia's car exports in the country with
the largest EV share. The research methods used are export products dynamics (EPD) analysis and
unbalanced panel regression analysis. The independent variables used are Indonesia's car export
prices, GDP per capita of destination countries, average EV prices of destination countries, revealed
comparative advantages (RCA) values, and dummy free trade agreements (FTAs). The dependent
variable used is the export value of Indonesia's cars with HS code 8703. The results of the study
using EPD show that most of Indonesia's car exports in destination countries are in a less expected
position, namely falling stars. The results of the regression analysis show that car export prices and
EV prices in destination countries have a significant negative effect. GDP per capita and RCA have
a significant positive effect, while FTA has no effect.


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How to Cite
Naufal, M., & Artiani, L. E. (2024). Analysis of Indonesia’s Car Exports During Vehicle Electrification in Export Destination Countries 2016-2022. International Journal on Economics, Finance and Sustainable Development, 6(8), 150-165.