Today's Use of 11th-Century Household Names

  • Uralova Aziza Dilmurod Qizi Denau Institute of Entrepreneurship and Pedagogy, Student
  • Tovasharova Aziza Kholmirzayevna Denau Institute of Entrepreneurship and Pedagogy, Student
Keywords: Očuqlandi, sir, qamış, buqač, pičäk, kerki, sema, lexeme


Even in the eleventh century, people used a variety of household utensils, even though they were far from civilization. In particular, the encyclopedic scholar Mahmud Kashgari in his valuable work gives a large part of these items and tries to explain their core. Devonu lug'atit turk contains the names of many household items, some of which are used in our daily lives under the same name. Another part is the names of obsolete products.


1. Xudoyberdiyev J. O'zbekiston adabiyotiva san'ati gazetasi. 2006
2. O‘zbek tilining izohli lug‘ati II tom. O‘zbekiston. 2020
3. Qoshg‘ariy M.“Devonu lug‘atit turk”(Turkiy so‘zlar devoni). Toshkent: G‘afur G‘ulom. 2017
How to Cite
Qizi, U. A. D., & Kholmirzayevna, T. A. (2022). Today’s Use of 11th-Century Household Names . International Journal of Human Computing Studies, 4(4), 28-30.

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