The Usage of ICT in The Classrooms of Primary School

  • Baydullayeva Firuza Akilbekovna Teacher of «Theoretical aspects of the English language 1» department, Uzbekistan State World Languages University
Keywords: multimedia products, interactive technologies, educational effects, modern technologies


Traditionally, it is believed that a child receives literacy in primary school, where he is taught to write, read and count. This is undoubtedly the case. But modern society needs new ways of activity, which requires a person to develop a whole range of skills and abilities - finding the necessary information, processing it, providing it to other people, modeling new objects and processes, self-planning and building their actions. Along with teaching reading, writing and numeracy skills, starting from the first grade, it is important to teach children how to use digital technology as a working tool in their studies and everyday life


Sa’dullayeva M.V. Using media lessons to develop the thinking of younger students. Primary school teacher community library. Educational portal “Creative Teachers Network”, 2008.

Zaparova N.I. The introduction of information technology in the educational process. Magazine “Primary School” №1, 2008.

Study materials: lessons, pictures, widgets. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: (date of access 15.06.2016).

How to Cite
Baydullayeva Firuza Akilbekovna. (2021). The Usage of ICT in The Classrooms of Primary School. International Journal on Orange Technologies, 3(3), 291-294.