Developing a Computer Game design as a Students’ self-study project

  • Baydullayeva Firuza Akilbekovna Teacher of «Theoretical aspects of the English language 1» department, Uzbekistan State World Languages University
Keywords: computer game, methodological tasks, independent work, students


The article discusses the creation of a computer game in teaching foreign language. Also, the article reveals developing a computer game and its design as a form of self-study in a higher educational institution within a project activity in order to improve students’ grammar skills in English language.Computer games related to the class of highly complex software systems. Game development requires highly skilled developers and knowledge that is not included in the general training program (or included, but not in sufficient volume). The implementation of computer games requires not only programming skills, but also knowledge in the development of interactive applications, two-dimensional and three-dimensional computer graphics, methods of lexical and syntactic analysis of expressions in a formal language, algorithms for finding a path in virtual space, and cross-platform programming


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How to Cite
Baydullayeva Firuza Akilbekovna 2021. Developing a Computer Game design as a Students’ self-study project. International Journal on Integrated Education. 4, 3 (Mar. 2021), 295-298. DOI: