Natural emergencies

  • Ravshanova Inoyatkhon Erkinovna Kokand named after Muqimi State pedagogical institute Methods of teaching biology Senior Lecturer of the Department
  • Shermatova Yoqutkhon Sobirovna Kokand named after Muqimi State pedagogical institute Methods of teaching biology Teacher of the department
Keywords: disaster, volcanic channel, earthquake


  Natural disasters are casualties that occur outside of human consciousness and activity. They can occur quickly or gradually.  These are events that end with the disappearance.  Natural disasters: landslides, floods, strong winds, fires, droughts, landslides, avalanches, rain.  Some natural emergencies lead to the development of man-made emergencies. The causes of earthquakes are divided into: - Tectonic earthquakes; - volcanic earthquake;


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How to Cite
Ravshanova Inoyatkhon Erkinovna and Shermatova Yoqutkhon Sobirovna 2020. Natural emergencies. International Journal on Integrated Education. 3, 11 (Nov. 2020), 170-171. DOI: