Markets, being the places of holding external, internal and transit trade played significant role in social, economical and cultural development of Central Asian cities. Usually, existence of the market in one city or another took a special place in the information on this city. For example, the author of the 16th century Fazlulloh ibn Ruzbekhon Isfagani telling about Signak city mentioned that “there are city khokimiyat (municipal body – G.A.), mosque and market” [1] in Signak city
2. Jenkinson A. Puteshestvie v Srednyuyu Aziyu 1558-1560 gg. // Angliyskie puteshestvenniki v Moskovskom gosudarstve v XVI v. Translated from English by Yu.G. Got’e. Мoscow, 1938. P.177.
3. Khafiz-I Tanish ibn Mir Muhammad Buhari. Sharaf name-yi shakhi (Кniga shakhskoy slavi). // Faksimile rukopisi D.88. Translated and edited by М.А. Salakhetdinova. Ч.1. Мoscow, 1983. P. 296.
4. Vambery А. Puteshestvie po Sredney Azii. (Iz Turgena cherez turkmenskuyu pustinyu po vostochnomu beregu Kaspiyskogo morya v Khivu, Bukharu I Samarkand, predprinyatoe v 1863 g. s nauchnoy tcel’yu po porucheniyu vengerskoy akademii v Peshte, chlenom eya A. Vambery.). Мoscow, 1867. P.57.
5. Babur Z.M. Babur-name. (Notes of Babur). Translated by M. Sal’e. Second edition. Тashkent, 1993. P. 463.
6. Jenkinson A. Puteshestvie v Srednyuyu Aziyu 1558-1560 gg. P.182
7. Ivanov P.P. Khozyaystvo dzhuybarskih sheyhov. К istorii feodal’nogo zemlevladeniya v Sredney Azii v XVI – XVII vv. Мoscow - Leningrad, 1954. P.88, 93, 250.
8. Russkie v Bukhare v 1820 g. (Zapiski ochevidyca). // Тurkestanskiy sbornik. Тom.239. S-Petersburg, 1880. P.26.
9. Khanikov N. Opisanie Bukharskogo khanstva. S-Petersburg, 1843. P. 92-93.
10. Rasskaz sarta Nur-Mukhameta, zapisanniy v marte 1735 g. v Orenburgskoy ekspeditcii, o kirgizskikh khanakh, gorodakh Tashkent, Turkestan i raznikh drugikh predmetakh. // Materiali po istorii Rossii. Оrenburg, 1900. P.57.
11. Poezdka Pospelova i Burnasheva v Tashkent v 1800 g. // Turkestanskiy sbornik. Т.343. S-Petersburg., 1883. P.28.
12. Geyns А.К. Upravlenie Tashkentom pri Kokandskom vladichestve. // Sobranie literaturnih trudov. Т.II. S-Petersburg , 1898. P.287.
13. Ivanov P.P. Аrkhiv khivinskikh khanov XIX v. Issledovaniya I opisanie s istoricheskim vvedeniem. Leningrad, 1940. P.139.
14. Sazonov M.V. Traditcionnoe khozyaystvo uzbekov Yuzhnogo Khorezma. Leningrad, 1978. P.97.
15. Adomalli Yu. Razvedenie shelkovichnih chervey v Sredney Azii. // Materiali dlya statistiki Turkestanskogo kraya. Vip. 1. S-Petersburg, 1872. Р. 516.
16. Nazarov F. Zapiski o nekotorikh narodakh I zemlyakh sredney chasti Azii. Moscow, 1968. P.51.
17. Ivanov P.P. Аrkhiv khivinskikh khanov XIX v. P. 319.
18. Puteshestvie Mir Izzet Ulli ot granitci Kokandskogo khanstva do goroda Samarkanda. // Sokolov Yu.A. Bukhara, Samarkand, Kelif v 1813 godu. (Publikatciya otrivka “Puteshestvie Mir Izzet Ulli v Srednyuyu Aziyu v 1812 – 1813 godah”.) // Trudi SAGU. Novaya seriya. Vip. XC. Istoricheskaya nauka. Kniga 14. Seriya “Istoriya”. Tashkent, 1957. P.197.
19. Khanikov N. Opisanie Bukharskogo khanstva ….P.92-93.
20. Rempel’ L.I. Iz istorii gradostroitel’stva na Vostoke (Materiali po planirivke staroy Bukhari). // Iskusstvo zodchih Uzbekistana. Tashkent, 1962. P. 242.
21. Shishkin V.A. Arkhitekturnie pamyatniki Bukhari. Tashkent, 1936. P.70.
22. Puteshestvie Mir Izzet Ulli ot granitci Kokandskogo khanstva do goroda Samarkanda. p.201.
23. Khoroshkin A.P. Samarkand. (Listki iz pamyatnoq knizhki)… p.193.
24. Ivanov P.P. Khozyaystvo dzhuybarskikh sheykhov …. p.106.
25. Maev N.A. Ocherki Bukharskogo khanstva. Тashkent, 1875. p.67.
26. Meyendorf E.K. Puteshestvie iz Orenburga v Bukharu …. p.101.
27. Russkie v Bukhare v 1820 g. (Zapiski ochevidtca)…p.26.
28. Maev N.A. Ocherki Bukharskogo khanstva …p.53.
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