Some principles of the formation and development of ethical terms in the English language in the XVI-XVIII centuries

  • Shukurova Madina Askarovna Bukhara State University
  • Djumayeva Nozima Djurabayevna Bukhara State University
Keywords: principle, ethical terms, science, language, correlation, vocabulary, lexicography, lexical meaning, semantics, peculiarities, linguists, research, steps, phonetics, morphology, term, structure, development, penetration, process, diachronic, specification, factor, linguistics


Some principles of the formation and development of terms of ethics in the English language in the XVI-XVIII centuries and different view points of specialists on this field are the main issues considered in this article. It  also analyzes the linguistic nature of the social and ethical vocabulary of the English language of the XVI-XVIII centuries, as well as the specific features of the language of ethics and style inherent in the initial stage of the formation of a system of ethical and philosophical concepts in national English. The lexical-semantic way of forming the terminology of the ethical language of the research period is also considered in the article.


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How to Cite
Shukurova Madina Askarovna and Djumayeva Nozima Djurabayevna 2020. Some principles of the formation and development of ethical terms in the English language in the XVI-XVIII centuries. International Journal on Integrated Education. 2, 6 (Mar. 2020), 31-39. DOI: