• Ms.AfsheenEkhteyar PhD Scholar, University of Sindh Jamshoro Assistant Professor/Head of English Department National University of Modern Languages (NUML) Karachi
  • Dr.Tariq Umrani Chairperson, Department of English University of Sindh,Jamshoro
Keywords: Critical Discourse Analysis, Fairclough Model, Ideology, Process Type


The present study critically scrutinizes the ideological constructions and discursive features used in Pakistani print media representing economical phenomenon of CPEC. This research has elucidated the ideology throughframework for critical discourse analysis (CDA) by applying it to the print media news articles and comparing two different Pakistani English newspapers (Fairclough, 2013). The articles on CPEC, the most prevailing economic variable in Pakistan which appeared in the daily ‘Dawn’ and ‘THE NEWS’ newspapers during the year 2016-17 have been selected for the study. Transitivity analysis as an analytical tool has been applied for the analysis of articles that includes the analysis of process type. The findings indicate that economical subject of national worth is presented with the same ideology in different newspapers. The study is significant in its originality as it is interdisciplinary study and its findings are not in line with the existing literature on media conflict


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How to Cite
Ms.AfsheenEkhteyar and Dr.Tariq Umrani 2021. MEDIA DISCOURSE IN THE LENS OF TRANSITIVITY ANALYSIS. International Journal on Integrated Education. 4, 1 (Jan. 2021), 42-46. DOI: