Methodology for determining costs for environmental actions in land management

  • Khafizova Zulfiya Kholmuratovna Senior Lecturer, Tashkent institute of irrigation and agricultural mechanization engineers, Tashkent, Kari Niyaziy 39
Keywords: Capital investments, wind and water soil erosion, household waste volumes, net income


This article addresses the issues of the methodology for determining the costs of environmental measures in land management. The article specifies a mathematical model for determining the costs of environmental protection; calculating factors such as determining the volumes of the main types of harmful substances of harmful emissions and other factors such as the quality of the composition of water and capital costs during water treatment. Mathematic model could be used in process of planning buildings and land management to forecasts future spending. The main point of this work is the determination of water pollution in the water supply process and how much this factor affects the reclamation state of the soil


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How to Cite
Khafizova Zulfiya Kholmuratovna 2021. Methodology for determining costs for environmental actions in land management. International Journal on Integrated Education. 4, 1 (Jan. 2021), 102-104. DOI: