Meat productivity of single camels and their hybrids in the conditions of karakalpakstan

  • Turganbaev.R.U. Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Nukus Branch Samarkand Institute of Veterinary Medicine
  • Tleumuratov A.K. Assistant of the Nukus branch of the Samarkand Institute of Veterinary Medicine
Keywords: Age, live weight, meat productivity, internal fat yield, dromedary camels, hump mass


The article gives information about the results of a study of the meat productivity of dromedary camels in the Republic of Karakalpakstan and also a study of the slaughter yield of the carcass, the mass of the steamed carcass, the mass of the hump to the ratio of live weight, the yield of internal fat. The conclusion about meat productivity depending on the age of animals is provided


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How to Cite
Turganbaev.R.U.Turganbaev.R.U. and Tleumuratov A.K. 2021. Meat productivity of single camels and their hybrids in the conditions of karakalpakstan. International Journal on Integrated Education. 4, 1 (Jan. 2021), 114-117. DOI: