"Brainstorming" "as an interactive method of learning a foreign language

  • Bakhodirov Aribjon Namangan State University
  • Najmiddinov Jabir Zokirovich Namangan State University
  • Arolov Husanboy Tursunmaxamadovich Namangan State University
Keywords: foreign language, interactive methods, activism, small groups, mental attack, thought, free thinking


This article discusses interactive methods of teaching a foreign language at an early stage. In particular, the technology of using “brainstorming” is described in detail. Discussed Pros and Cons of this Method.


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How to Cite
Bakhodirov Aribjon, Najmiddinov Jabir Zokirovich and Arolov Husanboy Tursunmaxamadovich 2020. "Brainstorming" "as an interactive method of learning a foreign language . International Journal on Integrated Education. 2, 6 (Mar. 2020), 81-83. DOI:https://doi.org/10.17605/ijie.v2i6.118.