Development of meta-subject skills in english language lessons in the context of case technology

  • M.M. Mamashayeva Namangan State University
  • A.N. Turdiyev2, B.H. Uzokov Namangan State University
Keywords: methodology, foreign language, methodology language, foreign languagemodern methods, education, innovative technologies, case technology


This article discusses the use of modern technology in the study of foreign languages. The importance of case technology in language learning is revealed. The article offers suggestions and recommendations on the use of this technology.


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How to Cite
M.M. Mamashayeva and A.N. Turdiyev2, B.H. Uzokov 2020. Development of meta-subject skills in english language lessons in the context of case technology . International Journal on Integrated Education. 2, 6 (Mar. 2020), 90-91. DOI: