Transliteration - as translation methods

  • Nasrullayeva Umida Baxrom qizi Namangan State University
  • Yusupova Umida Inomovna Namangan State University
  • Zoxidova Muhayyo Nasillayevna Namangan State University
Keywords: foreign language, translation, English, method, translation methods, text, transcription


This article discusses the need to demonstrate the complexity and “pitfalls” associated with the interlanguage functioning of names. It discusses the basic principles of the translation of proper names, the task is to obtain specific practical knowledge related to the features of certain names.


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How to Cite
Nasrullayeva Umida Baxrom qizi, Yusupova Umida Inomovna and Zoxidova Muhayyo Nasillayevna 2020. Transliteration - as translation methods. International Journal on Integrated Education. 2, 6 (Mar. 2020), 92-93. DOI: