Features of actualization of stylistic marking of nouns in artistic speech

  • L. R. Sidorkova Bukhara State University
  • Kh. A.Aripova Bukhara State University
Keywords: actualization, stylistic marking, language, speech, explanatory dictionary, lexicography, vocabulary litter, double and triple litters, functional and stylistic coloring, emotional and expressive coloring, idiolect, artistic speech


The article presents a comparative analysis of stylistic marking of nouns in language and speech on the material of data of explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language and works of M. Bulgakov.


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How to Cite
L. R. Sidorkova and Kh. A.Aripova 2020. Features of actualization of stylistic marking of nouns in artistic speech. International Journal on Integrated Education. 2, 6 (Mar. 2020), 106-109. DOI:https://doi.org/10.17605/ijie.v2i6.127.