A coverage of the activities of the Mangitic Emirs in the works of Ahmad Donish
Ahmad Donish was a versatile scholar who lived and worked in the second half of the 19th century. He carried out research in all disciplines of his time, transmitted ideas of enlightenment to the next generation and left a rich scientific legacy. Along with his philosophical, natural and ethical views, Ahmad Donish paid particular attention to historiography during the last years of his career. The article analyses his work "Histories of the mangitic dynasty" which demonstrates his historiographical abilities, the level of his study, his personal and at the same time critical views of the historian on the reign of the Mangit rulers.
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19. Rajabov Q. Amir Nasrullah Bahodurkhan or “Khan Shahid” // Bukhara waves (Bukhara), 2006. - №4. - B. 39. [Rajabov Q. Аmir Nasrulloh Bahodurxon yoxud “xoni shahid” // Buxoro mavjlari (Buxoro), 2006. - №4. – B. 39.].
20. The final half of the Khanate of Manghit Emirate According to the notes of the newspaper "Sharif Jan Makhdoom Sadr Zia" The last Grand Judge of Nokhara Mohammad Jan Shakoori Bukharaei [روزنامۀ صدر ضیاءِ وقایع نگاری تحولات سیاسی – اجتمای نٌخارای شریف طی نیمهۀ پایانی امارت خانات منغیت براساس یادداشت های روزنامۀ «شریف جان مخدوم صدر ضیاءِ» آخرین قاضی کلان نٌخارا تحقیق و پژوهش محمدجان شکوری بٌخارایی – تهران: مرکز اسناد و خدمات پژوهشی ۱۳۸۲ – س ۳۵۳].
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