Activities of Faizulla Khojaev as Chairman of the Time Revolutionary Committee of The Uzbek SSR

  • Umid Yahyoyevich HAYITOV Navoi State Pedagogical Institute Navoi
Keywords: Bukhara People's Soviet Republic, Soviet Socialist Republic of Uzbekistan, Khorezm People's Soviet Republic, Turkestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Central Asian Bureau of the Central Committee of the RCP (b), Soviet Socialist Republic of Turkmenistan, Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic of Tajikistan, Uzbek SSR Revolutionary Committee, National and Territorial Frontier Policy


The article describes the policy of national-territorial demarcation in Central Asia in 1924–1925 аnd the role of the Chairman of the Provisional Revolutionary Committee of the Uzbek SSR Fayzulla Khojaev in the formation of the Uzbek SSR.


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How to Cite
HAYITOV, U.Y. 2021. Activities of Faizulla Khojaev as Chairman of the Time Revolutionary Committee of The Uzbek SSR. International Journal on Integrated Education. 4, 5 (May 2021), 46-53. DOI: