The study of Central Asia in French historiography in the 19th century
Reforms in Uzbekistan's education system have not bypassed the study of history. Modern approaches at the level of world standards, diversity of opinions - the principles of admissibility of scientific pluralism, adherence to the principles of objectivity, access to primary sources, their introduction into scientific consumption are becoming a priority in historical science. That is, "for the first time in recent years, historical science, which is an integral part of spirituality, began to perform its legal function - to serve the identity of the people" [1].
2. Asadova Sh. Implementation of historical research in Uzbekistan (1991-2000) // Oriental Studies. 2007, №2, – P. 55. [Аsadova Sh. Oʼzbekistonda tarixshunoslik tadqiqotlarining amalga oshirilishi (1991-2000 yy) // Sharqshunoslik. 2007, №2, - 55b].
3. Shamatov A. On the issue of new trends in the development of modern oriental studies (on the example of the German scientific tradition) // Oriental studies. 2006, No. 1-2. – P.113. [Shamatov A. K voprosu o novyh tendenciyah v razvitii sovremennogo vostokovedeniya (na primere germanskoj nauchnoj tradicii) // Vostokovedenie. 2006, № 1-2. – S. 113].
4. Rasulova D. The first scientific schools of Oriental studies in France // Samarcand state university Bulletin of Scientific Research. 2012 №1, 6-12 p. [Rasulova D. Frantsiyada ilk sharqshunoslik ilmiy maktablari //Samarqand davlat universiteti Ilmiy tadqiqotlar axborotnomasi. 2012 №1, 6-12 b].
5. Ziyaeva D. National liberation movement of Turkestan: (Historiography of the people's struggles against the dictatorship in 1916 and 1918-1924). – T .: Narrative of Literature and Art named after G. Gulom. 2000. - 109 p. [Ziyaeva D.Turkiston milliy ozodlik harakati: (Mustabid tuzumga qarshi 1916 yil va 1918-1924 yillardagi xalq kurashlari tarixshunosligi). – T.: Gʼ.Gʼulom nomidagi Аdabiyot va sanʼat nariyoti. 2000. – 109 b].
6. Gorshenina S. The Road to Samarkand. Central Asia through the lens of ancient travelers. - Geneva, Editions Olizane, 2000, - 61 р. [Gorshenina S. La Route de Samarcande. L’Asie cenrale dans l’objectif des voyageurs d’autrefois. – Geneve, Editions Olizane, 2000, - 61 р].
7. Regarding the book in French: "French scientific expedition in Russia, Siberia and Turkestan." Voice, 1880. No. 142. // Turkestan collection, vol. 247. –S.189-190 .; Letter from Turkestan. Uyfalvi to Baron Watville about his visit to the ruins of Jamkend. Voice, 1877. No. 158. // Turkestan collection. Т.195, - С.11 .; Regarding the letters from Uyfalvi from Samarkand: about the sights of the Kohistan region. Voice, 1877, no. 198. // Turkestan collection. T.195. - S.15-16. ; Journey of the Uifalvi de Meso Covezd. Proceedings of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society. 1877, №1 - 2. // Turkestan collection. T.181. [Po povodu knigi na francuzskom yazyke: “Francuzskaya nauchnaya ekspediciya v Rossii, v Sibiri i v Turkestane”. Golos, 1880. №142. // Turkestanskij sbornik.T.247. –S.189-190.; Pismo iz Turkestana. Ujfalvi k baronu Uotvilyu o peseshenii im razvalin Dzhamkenda. Golos, 1877. №158. // Turkestanskij sbornik. T.195, - S.11.; Po povodu pisem Ujfalvi iz Samarkanda: o dostoprimechatelnostyah Kohistanskogo kraya. Golos, 1877, №198. // Turkestanskij sbornik. T.195. - S.15-16. ; Puteshestvie Ujfalvi de Mezo Kovezd. Izvestiya Imperatorskogo russkogo geograficheskogo obshestvo. 1877, №1 - 2. //Turkestanskij sbornik. T.181.]
8. Sokolov V. Reclus about Turkestan. Turkestanskie vedomosti. 1884, 8 February, No. 6. - 22 p. [Sokolov V. Reclus o Turkestane. Turkestanskie vedomosti. 1884, 8 fevral, № 6. – 22 str.].
9. Turkestan collection. - SPb .: T. 8, 31, 35, 40, 41, 81, 102, 111, 134, 144, 217. [Turkestanskij sbornik. – SPb.: T. 8, 31, 35, 40, 41, 81, 102, 111, 134, 144, 217].
10. Excursion scientifique dans le Kohistan. Lettre de M.Ch. de Ujfalvy au minister de l’instruction publique. Bulletin de la Société de Géographie. 1877, juillet. P. 89-99. // Туркестанский сборник. Т.294.; Excursion scientifique dans le Ferghana. – Nouvelle du colonel Prjevalski. Lettre de M.Ch. de Ujfalvy au sécretaire générale. Bulletin de la Société de Géographie. 1877, Août. P. 190-193. // Туркестанский сборник. Т.238. ; Excursion en Dzoungarie par le M.Ch. de Ujfalvy. Lettre au sécretaire générale. Bulletin de la Société de Géographie. 1877, Decembre. P. 638-642. // Туркестанский сборник. Т.238.
11. Turkestanskie vedomosti. 1870–1917
12. French traveler (Member of the Paris Geographical Society m. Paul Labbé) // Turkestanskie vedomosti. 1897, October 5 (17), No. 72 (No. 1597), -297 pages; Unofficial department (Details of the funeral of the French traveler Martin) // Turkestanskie vedomosti. 1892, June 2, No. 22, - 87 pages; News and Notes (On hearing in the Paris Geographical Society about Emile Durand's stay in Central Asia) // Turkestanskie vedomosti. 1891, October 22, No. 43, - 171 pages; Extract from the letter of the French traveler Dutreuil de Rhins addressed to the lord of the chief chief of the region // Turkestanskie vedomosti. 1893, January 3 (15), No. 1, - 2 pages; Scientific trip of the Frenchman in Central Asia // Turkestanskie vedomosti. 1907, August 4, No. 124, - 192 pages; Arrival of a foreigner (Arrival in Tashkent of a French citizen Paul Veren-Decor) // Turkestanskie vedomosti. 1912, no. 261. [Francuzskij puteshestvennik (Chlen Parizhskogo geograficheskogo obshestvo m.Paul Labbe) //Turkestanskie vedomosti. 1897, 5 (17) oktyabrya, №72 (№1597), -297 str; Otdel neoficialnyj (Podrobnosti o pohoronah francuzskogo puteshestvennika Martena) //Turkestanskie vedomosti. 1892, 2 iyunya, №22, - 87 str; Izvestiya i zametki (O vyslushivanie v Parizhskom geograficheskom obshestve o prebyvanie v Srednej Azii Emilya Dyurana) //Turkestanskie vedomosti. 1891, 22 oktyabrya, №43, - 171 str; Vypiska iz pisma francuzskogo puteshestvennika Dyutrej de Ren (Dutreuil de Rhins) na imya gospodina glavnogo nachalnika kraya //Turkestanskie vedomosti. 1893, 3 (15) yanvarya, №1, - 2 str; Nauchnaya poezdka francuza po Srednej Azii //Turkestanskie vedomosti. 1907, 4 avgust, №124, - 192 str; Priezd inostranca (Priezd v Tashkent francuzskogo poddannogo Polya Veren-Dekor) //Turkestanskie vedomosti. 1912, №261.]
13. NA RUz. F.I-5, Op-1 D-129.; F.I-19, Op-1, D-2244 .; F.I-3, Op-1, D-8 .; F.I-3, Op-1, D-114 .; F.I-3, Op-1, D-108.
14. About the visit of the French scientific expedition led by Mr. Bonvalo in the Fergana region of the Turkestan region and Kashgar. NA RUz. F: I-19, Op-1, D-2244, p. 1-9; About a visit to Bukhara by a French scientist, a member of the Geographical Society of Paul Labbe with a scientific purpose. NA RUz. F: I-3, Op-1, D-114, p. 40-47; On the geological research of Professor Barbot de Marni in the area from the mouth of the Amu Darya to Samarkand, Kizyl-Kumov. NA RUz. F: I-1, Op-15, D-175, p. 1-3. [O poseshenii francuzskoj uchenoj ekspedicii vo glave s gospodinom Bonvalo v Ferganskoj oblasti turkestanskogo kraya i Kashgar. NA RUz. F: I-19, Op-1, D-2244, str.1-9; O poseshenii Buhary francuzskim uchenym, chlenom geograficheskogo obshestvo Polya Labbe s nauchnoj celyu. NA RUz. F: I-3, Op-1, D-114, str.40-47; O geologicheskih issledovaniyah professora Barbot de Marni v rajone ot uste Amudari do Samarkanda, Kizyl-Kumov. NA RUz. F: I-1, Op-15, D-175, str.1-3]
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