Peculiarities of pedagogical technologies in teaching

  • Nilufar Yuldashova Communications University
Keywords: empirical, cognitive, heuristic, creative, inversion, integrative, adaptive, inclusive pedagogical technologies, nature adapted pedagogical technologies, evolutive technologies


 Pedagogical technology is a system that sees the needs of society as a system that effectively forms the pre-determined social qualities of the individual and is a specific, goal-oriented learning process. It is a technological educational activity, which shows the influence of a teacher on students in a certain sequence under specific conditions with the help of teaching aids and evaluating the learning outcome in the process of control.

This article presents definitions and opinions of foreign and local scholars on pedagogical technology who tried to identify its role and efficacy in education. Moreover, this article focuses on aspects, types, main tasks, features, results of pedagogical technologies and principles of improved pedagogical technologies in Uzbekistan.


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How to Cite
Yuldashova, N. 2021. Peculiarities of pedagogical technologies in teaching . International Journal on Integrated Education. 4, 5 (May 2021), 387-396. DOI: