Writing tadhkirahs, thinkers of Central Asia

  • Latofat Samievna Kholnazarova State Technical University named after Islam Karimov
Keywords: Tadhkirahs, career sheikhs, scholars, judges, genealogies, mosques, madrasahs, caravanserais, baths, mausoleums


This article presents examples of tadhkirah writing and their works who lived and worked in Central Asia, including Iran, Khorasan and Turan. As well as information on the creative heritage of poets, scholars, the history and activities rulers, religious scholars and poetry leaders. The notes also contain information about the socio-economic situation in the country, types of crafts, careers and positions, the activities of officials, the history and culture of the country, as well as the topography of the regions.


1. Tadhkirah - in Arabic means "remembrance", utterance and remembrance.
2. Abdulkarim Fazliy Namongoniy. «Majmuai shoiron» // Manuscript, Fund of the Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Inv. // Jan. See: Recommended for publication on the basis of a grant from the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the sources and publication of Islamic sciences. Abdulkarim Fazliy Namongoniy. №... Compiler of "Majmuai shoiron" Bakhrom Abdukhalimov. T., Science. 2018. 338 pages
3. Qari Rahmatullah Vazeh. “Tuhfat-ul-ahbob fi-tazkirat il-as’hob” // Manuscript, Fund of the Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Inv. № 2336/1. - 145 p. See also Khadizade R. Sources for the study of Tajik literature of the second half of the X1X century. - Stalinabad, 1956. - p. 29-30
4. R.Khadizade, U Karimov, S.Sa'diev. Tajik literature: XVI-XIX centuries and the beginning of XX century. - Dushanbe: Education, 1988. p. 372, 407. See also: Collection of Poets. T.: Publishing House of the Year, 1902.
5. Muhammad Siddiq Hashmat., Tazkirat ash-shuaro // Manuscript, Fund of the Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Inv. № 2729, 2252 / I
6. Abdulazim Shar'i. “Tazkirai shuaroi Abdulazim Shar'i” // Manuscript, Fund of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Inv. № 3396 / III.
7. Nematulla Mukhtaram “Tazkirai Haji Nematullah Mukhtaram // Manuscript, Fund of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Inv. № 2252 / II.
8. Abdumutallib Fahkmiy. Tazkirai Fakhmiy // Manuscript. Fund of the Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan . Inv. № 2331. - 174 p. See also: Valikhojaev B. History of Uzbek literature. P. 176.
9. Abdulkarim Fazliy Namongoniy. «Majmuai shoiron» // Manuscript, Fund of the Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Inv. // Jan. See: Recommended for publication on the basis of a grant from the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the sources and publication of Islamic sciences. Abdulkarim Fazliy Namongoniy. № ...Compiler of "Majmuai shoiron" Bakhrom Abdukhalimov. T., Fan. 2018. 338 b. Majmuai shoiron. T .: Ilin printing house, 1902. Valikhodjaev B. History of Uzbek literature. P. 176. 04.04. 2013. Ziouz / uz.
10. The full name of this tadhkirah is "Tazkirat ush-shuaroi mutaqaddimin va salatini muosiriyn va buzurgoni mutavarriyin" and is included in the "Complex" number № 2193 and is kept in the library of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
11. Sadr Ziya. Tazkirat-ush-shuaroi mutaqaddamin, on page 272a Ibn Sina, on page 272b information about Khoja-Nizamulmulk.
12. The full name of the tadhkirah is "Shuaroi mutaakhkhirin va fuzaloi muosirini roqimi adim-ul qadr Ziyai Sadr", a copy of which is kept in the fund of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan under number № 2193.
13. Khadizade R. Sources on the history of the study of Tajik literature of the XIX-early XX centuries. Dushanbe, P. 29-43.
14.Shuaroi mutaaxxarin, 332bvaraq.
15. Institute of Oriental Manuscripts named after Abu Rayhan Beruni of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Inv. 1304.
16. Murodov A. From the history of Central Asian calligraphy. - Tashkent, 1971. - 3 p.
17. Hasanmurod Laffasiy. Biographies of Khiva poets and writers.// Toshbosma Fund of the Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Inv. № 1900, Laffasi Hasanmurod qori. Biographies of Khiva poets and writers // Manuscript. Fund of the Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekista. - № 9494. - P. 11-13.
How to Cite
Kholnazarova, L.S. 2021. Writing tadhkirahs, thinkers of Central Asia. International Journal on Integrated Education. 4, 5 (May 2021), 137-142. DOI:https://doi.org/10.17605/ijie.v4i5.1795.