Methodology for improving the spelling literacy of students in the lessons of the native language in primary grades (on the example of Karakalpak language schools)

  • A. A. Embergenova Distance Learning, Nukus State Pedagogical Institute
Keywords: affix, sentence, speech, morphology, phonetics, syntax, statement, spelling


The scientific and theoretical basis of spelling literacy consists of knowledge about phonetics, word-building, morphology and syntax. Therefore, the general system of Secondary Education of students is required to master the following minimum of knowledge of these areas of language education as defined in the programs of the mother tongue:vowels and consonant sounds, sonorous and sonorous sounds; sonorous consonants, which have a sonorous pair, vowels, which are expressed in combinations of letters, vowels and consonant sounds in the composition; ability to distinguish the basis and suffixes of the word, know how to form words in the new meaning of the word-predicate; know how to distinguish words into categories based on their meaning and request, know their grammatic signs; know the connection of words in the sentence and the location of the parts of speech.


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How to Cite
Embergenova , A.A. 2021. Methodology for improving the spelling literacy of students in the lessons of the native language in primary grades (on the example of Karakalpak language schools). International Journal on Integrated Education. 4, 5 (May 2021), 143-147. DOI: