Pragmatic Potential of a Literary Text: Translational Issues

  • Arustamyan Yana Yurevna Associate professor, National University of Uzbekistan
Keywords: literary text, literary translation, pragmatic potential, author’s intention


The pre-translational interpretation of a literary text recently shifted the focus of attention to the issues of extralinguistic context, which structures the conceptual texture of a literary text. Pragmatic potential of a literary text involves much implicit information representing the author’s intention to represent the meaning, which can be revealed basing on the complexity of background knowledge necessary for the correct interpretation. The main concern is that the translator’s role is of a double-sided nature: first, this is the reader’s position and then, this the author’s position, who recreates the text in the target language. Therefore, the degree of the adequacy of translation of a literary text is impacted by the integrity of a maximal interpretation of pragmatic potential of a source text. The article emphasizes the importance of adequate interpretation of pragmatic intention regarding its verbalization through the context


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How to Cite
Arustamyan Yana Yurevna 2021. Pragmatic Potential of a Literary Text: Translational Issues. International Journal on Integrated Education. 4, 5 (May 2021), 280-285. DOI: