Definitions of the usage of the lexeme “please” in various dictionaries

  • Shokirova Shakhnoza Shokirovna Andijan State University
Keywords: lexeme, polysemous, monosemous, semantic field, request, demand, dictionaries


In this article what a lexeme is andlexico-semantic meanings are written. Nowadays people of various nationalities explain their own requests, demands by many kind of words politely. As we know, we use often the lexeme “please” in the English language. Besides definitions and synonyms of the lexeme are given.


1. MariosAndreou.Lexemes. Linguistics. Oxford bibliographies., 2019
2. HornbyA.S.OXFORD Advanced Learner*s dictionary. sixth edition/ Edited by Sally Wehmeier. OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2000.
3. Webster’s third international dictionary of the English language. Könemann.1993.
4. Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary – 4th edition/ Edited by Janet. 2018
How to Cite
Shokirovna, S.S. 2021. Definitions of the usage of the lexeme “please” in various dictionaries. International Journal on Integrated Education. 4, 5 (May 2021), 347-348. DOI: