• Manzura Azizova Tashkent Financial Institute. Department, Electronic commerce and digital economy, Uzbekistan.
  • Dilfuza Ishankhodzhaeva Tashkent Financial Institute. Department, Electronic commerce and digital economy, Uzbekistan.
Keywords: automation, norms, analysis, standards


            The article reveals the need for consultants and experts in computerized information systems, considers the method of its solution, the method of application and computer analysis. The computerization of the audit activities of consultants, information and expert systems for the creation of practical work as needed is fully shown. For this, the auditor is responsible for coordinating the activities of organizations, economists, accountants, auditors, there should be a special section consisting of mathematicians and programmers. Audit automation improves the efficiency of the audit process.


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How to Cite
Manzura Azizova and Dilfuza Ishankhodzhaeva 2021. APPLICATION OF EXPORT AND INFORMATION AND CONSULTING SYSTEMS IN AUDITING COMPUTERIZATION. International Journal on Integrated Education. 4, 6 (Jun. 2021), 49-53. DOI: