Typology of Traditional Motives in Toponymic Legends

  • Ulugbek Sattorov Candidate of Philological Sciences, Director of Navoi city vocational school
Keywords: folklore, epic type, toponymic legends, traditional motives, art, traditional character, prose, archaic motifs


It is known that, as in other genres of Uzbek folklore of the epic type, the plot system of toponymic legends consists of certain traditional motives. Motive is an element that forms the plot of any work of art, including folklore, and is often distinguished by its traditional character. It is the motifs that are the elements of the epic narrative that have become somewhat stagnant, and are characterized by their traditionality and repetitiveness


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How to Cite
Ulugbek Sattorov 2021. Typology of Traditional Motives in Toponymic Legends. International Journal on Integrated Education. 4, 6 (Jun. 2021), 95-101. DOI:https://doi.org/10.17605/ijie.v4i6.1952.