• S. M. Djumanov Samarkand State Institute of Vetirinary medicine Department of Veterinary Surgery and Obstetrics V
  • Sidikov B.T Assistant of Samarkand State Institute of Vetirinary medicine
  • Ibroximov S.O Student of Samarkand State Institute of Vetirinary medicine
Keywords: cervix, ovaries, fetal membranes, corpus luteum, placenta, endometritis, infertility, fetus


The article presents the results of ultrasound detection of cow calving and infertility. Annotation: In this article, the results of the use of ultrasound equipment in the diagnosis of pregnancy and infertility in cows.


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How to Cite
S. M. Djumanov, Sidikov B.T and Ibroximov S.O 2021. MODERN METHODS FOR DETERMINATION OF COWS ’DISORDERS AND INFERTILITY. International Journal on Integrated Education. 4, 6 (Jun. 2021), 112-114. DOI: