The role of parents is needed as one of the external factors in the development of individual education. However, parents generally release their responsibilities to formal educational institutions when their children have entered this level of education, including higher education. When learning is carried out online due to the Covid-19 pandemic, students are forced to study at home and need support from their parents. This study aims to determine the role of parents in higher education, especially in online-based learning, as well as its relationship with the GPA of prospective teacher students. The research was conducted on 640 prospective biology teacher students at Padang State University, and other samples were taken of 140 people (22% of the population). The research was conducted by giving questionnaires to students related to the five main aspects of the role of parents, which have been tested for validity and reliability. The results showed that the highest role given by parents to students was in the financial aspect (81.4%). While the test of the relationship between the role of parents and student achievement shows that there is no significant relationship between the two. Thus, it is concluded that parents provide varied support to students with the highest dominance in the financial aspect. However, there is no relationship between achievement and the role of parents in student education.
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