National-Cultural Features of the Verbalizers of the Concept "Beauty / Ugliness" in English and Uzbek Languages

  • A. Ikhtiyorov Lecturer, Department of English Language and Literature Kokand State Pedagogical Institute
Keywords: beauty, ugliness, metaphorization, simile, zoosemism, florism, national-cultural features, linguistic and extralinguistic factors


This article deals with the national-cultural features of the verbalizers of  the concept "Beauty/ugliness" in English and Uzbek. In this article the author tried to analyze the process of metaphorization, which gives to identify the national and cultural peculiarities of concept "Beauty / ugliness" in non-related languages. While the similarities in the zlanguages show that these peoples have a single logic in their linguistic perception of material things, the differences in them reflect the differences in the worldview and mentality of these peoples, as well as the uniqueness of these peoples.


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How to Cite
A. Ikhtiyorov 2021. National-Cultural Features of the Verbalizers of the Concept "Beauty / Ugliness" in English and Uzbek Languages. International Journal on Integrated Education. 4, 6 (Jun. 2021), 209-212. DOI: