Accessibility to the Media, Sense of Efficacy and Cognitive Mobilization in the Face of Covid/Post-Covid School Reforms: Part-Time School for Exam Candidates
Being always confronted with performance, the notion of sense of efficacy has so far been regularly deployed in normal situations. However, in a school context where the part-time system is adopted in reaction to the prevailing health crisis, an invariant such as “the media” is quickly adopted to facilitate the achievement of the objectives of learning; therefore the question that comes to mind is: How the sense of efficacy is forged in media accessibility to no longer directly impact the learner's academic performance but to firstly impact his capacity and level of cognitive mobilization in a part-time system? Links have been established between each of the dimensions of sense of efficacy which are: personal (SPE), collective (SCE), emotional (SEE); and performance / commitment at work. Based on the work of Sherer et al. (1982) translated by Chambon (2004), Deschênes, Dussault and Frenette (2004), Heutte (2011) and in an operational way, this study deals with the question of expressing the correlational proportionality between those three above-mentioned dimensions of the sense of efficacy and cognitive mobilization. A correlational evaluation was used on a sample of 54 students in examination classes at the Japoma high school (Douala-Cameroon). An inventory of feeling of efficiency adapted from three scales on the SPE, SCE and SEE and cognitive mobilization is used to evaluate the major concepts of the study. The outcomes of the analysis of variances teste the research hypotheses and indicate / imply the need to mutualize the sense of personal, collective and emotional efficacy, for a good development of knowledge and the effectiveness of cognitive/metacognitive strategies in the covidic and post-covidic context.
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