The Question of Interpretation of the World (Existence) in the National Education of the Peoples of the World

  • Abdupattaev Khasanboy Abdurakhmonovich Deputy Dean of the Faculty of History of the Kokand State Pedagogical Institute
Keywords: education, national education, mythology, idealistic or religious approach, dialectical-materialistic approach, faith, conscience, cosmogonic hypothesis, hypothesis of gradual development, the concept of spontaneous education, the concept of biogenesis, the concept of constancy


The article deals with the problem of understanding the essence of the world (being) in the national education of the peoples of the world. Mythological, idealistic and religious, as well as dialectical-materialistic approaches to the interpretation of the essence of the world (being) from the scientific, pedagogical and historical points of view are analyzed.


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How to Cite
Abdurakhmonovich, A.K. 2021. The Question of Interpretation of the World (Existence) in the National Education of the Peoples of the World. International Journal on Integrated Education. 4, 7 (Jul. 2021), 7-11. DOI: