To Develop The Ability of Thinking Creatively of Students in The Process of Drawing

  • Butayev Ahmadali Ashirovich Researcher, Kokand State Pedagogical Institute
  • Ikromova Mubinakhon Hakimjon qizi Kokand state pedagogical institute, Kokand, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Volumetric Trapezium, geometry, designing, drafting, solutions


In this article in the developed information technology environment, “Development of interest in drawing learning in pupils of secondary schools”, initially, it seemed that there were three ways to incorporate graphic exercises that could serve significantly in the learning process of the subject of drawing, which is currently dominating.


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How to Cite
Ashirovich, B.A. and Ikromova Mubinakhon Hakimjon qizi 2021. To Develop The Ability of Thinking Creatively of Students in The Process of Drawing. International Journal on Integrated Education. 4, 7 (Jul. 2021), 29-35. DOI: