Increasing Learning Activities and Learning Students Outcomes in IPS Courses Through the Model Project-Based Learning Assisted Historical Comic Digital Odin Class VII.C at SMPN 4 Bukittinggi

  • Nia Pratiwi Master Program of Social Science Education, Postgraduate - Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Fatmariza Fatmariza Department of Socio-Political Science, Universitas Negeri Padang
Keywords: learning activities, learning outcomes, project-based learning learning model, historical comic digital


The application of the learning model "Project-Based Learning" with the help of "Historical Comic Digital" can improve learning activities and student learning outcomes. The type of research used is classroom action research (CAR) with a qualitative approach which is carried out in two Cycles. The research subjects were students of class VII.C at SMPN 4 Bukittinggi with a total of 30 students. The data collection technique used is in the form of student learning activity observation sheets and student learning outcomes tests. The data were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the activity of students in carrying out learning activities in the first Cycle (75.19%), in the second Cycle increased to (88.89%). The activity of students when listening to other groups' presentations in Cycle I (71.11%) increased to Cycle II (81.11%). The activity of students when doing group assignments in the first Cycle (84.07%), in the second Cycle, increased to (92.96%). The cooperation of students in groups in the first Cycle (77.04%), and in the second Cycle increased to (85.92%). The ability of students to conclude the first Cycle (68.52%), and in the second Cycle increased to (77.78%). Student learning outcomes have increased incompleteness and the average value of learning outcomes. The learning outcomes of students in the pre-Cycle of students' completeness are 40%, the percentage of incompleteness is 60%, the average value of the class is 68.73. Student learning outcomes in the first Cycle of student completeness is 76.66% and incomplete is 23.33% the class average score is 80.03. Student learning outcomes in the first Cycle of student completeness is 93.33% and incomplete is 6.66% with an average grade of 85.53. Thus, the application of the project-based learning model can improve learning activities and student learning outcomes in class VII.C at SMPN 4 Bukittinggi.


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How to Cite
Pratiwi, N. and Fatmariza, F. 2021. Increasing Learning Activities and Learning Students Outcomes in IPS Courses Through the Model Project-Based Learning Assisted Historical Comic Digital Odin Class VII.C at SMPN 4 Bukittinggi. International Journal on Integrated Education. 4, 7 (Jul. 2021), 42-48. DOI: