Language in Philosoph

  • Maxmudjanova Diana Kahramonovna 1st Year Student of Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages
Keywords: language and philosophy, language and action, philosophy, postmodern philosophy, logic of language and action


The paper reveals in detail significant facts of human life, since man is the very fact of this life and an effective element in the independent creation and phenomena around him.The theoretical and methodological background of research was a system approach based on modern philosophical and literary studies in the field of language the peculiarities of its realization in the domestic conditions. The study involved traditional general scientific methods: analysis and synthesis, typological comparison.

Analysing the methodological background of the research topic, we can trace the complexity associated with its pretension to universality, first, with the lack of a common understanding of postmodernism, and second, with the versatile use of this concept, both in the philosophical literature and in works on sociology, history, culturology.


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How to Cite
Kahramonovna, M.D. 2021. Language in Philosoph. International Journal on Integrated Education. 4, 7 (Jul. 2021), 108-111. DOI: