Genre Features of Jamal Kemal's Epics

  • Nazarova Dildora Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philology Bukhara Medical Institute
Keywords: aruz, rhyme, genre, ghazals, masnavi, literary critic, poet, poem, epic


An important feature of Jamal Kemal's work is that he appears in our poetry with equal aruz, finger and free genre. The same can be said of his epics. Consequently, the poet's epics are dominated by tradition. In particular, in the "Tosh tug’yon (Stone Rebellion)" on the finger, the national rhyme possibilities are widely used, and in the "Quyosh chashmasi (Fountain of the Sun)" in the aruz, ramal bahri, which is the leader in our ghazals, is created in the form of masnavi.


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How to Cite
Dildora, N. 2021. Genre Features of Jamal Kemal’s Epics. International Journal on Integrated Education. 4, 9 (Sep. 2021), 24-31. DOI: