Dialectics of Generality, Specificity and Individuality in the Manifestation of the Theory of Stratagems

  • Urinbaev Davlatjon Bakhtiyorovich Teacher of the Kokand SPI, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Keywords: strategiem, the theory of strategist, way of thinking, strategems at the personal level, Chinese wisdom, Asian dragons


The article describes the peculiarities of the theory of stratagems, the existence of a dialectic of generality, specificity and individuality in their manifestation, the attitude of Western and Eastern researchers to it and the ideas put forward.


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How to Cite
Bakhtiyorovich, U.D. 2021. Dialectics of Generality, Specificity and Individuality in the Manifestation of the Theory of Stratagems. International Journal on Integrated Education. 4, 9 (Sep. 2021), 38-41. DOI:https://doi.org/10.17605/ijie.v4i9.2133.