The Concept of "Sex" and "Gender" in Psychology

  • T. B. Norimbetov Associated Prof Department of "Social and Humanitarian Disciplines" of the Almalyk Branch of TSTU Named after I. Karimov
  • D. S. Yusupov Prof. Department of "Social and Humanitarian Disciplines "of the Almalyk Branch of TSTU Named after I. Karimov
Keywords: Sex, gender, ontogenesis, sex psychology, sex differences, masculinity, femininity, sex role, sex-role expectations, gender identity, gender making, gender performance


In the modern process of teaching students of a higher educational institution, it is necessary to study them in some terms of psychological knowledge.  Although these terms are not often used in teaching students, they need to distinguish between the philosophical-methodological and scientific-practical meaning of these terms.  These terms are "sex" and "gender". The distinction between these terms is very important for university students.


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How to Cite
Norimbetov, T.B. and Yusupov, D.S. 2021. The Concept of "Sex" and "Gender" in Psychology. International Journal on Integrated Education. 4, 9 (Sep. 2021), 77-80. DOI: