Expanding the Ethnographic World of Young People in Aesthetic Culture

  • Tagaev Ganisher Hasanovich Independent researcher at Samarkand State University of Foreign Languages
Keywords: Ethnographic worldview, ethnoculture, traditional culture, national values, customs, spiritual heritage, ethnos, ethnogenesis, ethnic situation, history, aesthetic factors


This article discusses the reflection of the expansion of the ethnographic worldview of young people in the aesthetic culture, as well as the influence of geographical, religious and historical criteria. The stages of formation and development of ethnocultural processes in the territory of Uzbekistan are analyzed from the point of view and essence of the period. Among the alien influences that affect the mentality, the factors that contribute to the formation of ethnoculture, namely the influence of society, the chain of cultural relations, the attitude of people to them, are also widely revealed.


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How to Cite
Hasanovich, T.G. 2021. Expanding the Ethnographic World of Young People in Aesthetic Culture. International Journal on Integrated Education. 4, 9 (Sep. 2021), 155-160. DOI:https://doi.org/10.17605/ijie.v4i9.2204.