Comments on the Methodology of Teaching Uzbek Phonetics

  • Dildora Sagdullaevna Ganieva Teacher, Kattakurgan branch of Samarkand State University
Keywords: phonetics, language units, mother tongue teaching, oral, written speech, science, comprehensibility, education system, skills, competencies


The purpose of the study of phonetics is to study the system of sounds in the native language, mainly the perfect mastery of pronunciation norms, as well as the formation of correct writing skills, increase students' vocabulary, word-to-speech correct and appropriate use, expressive reading of poetic works and mastery of the first secrets of artistic creation.


1. Askarova M., Kasimova K. Uzbek language textbook: for 5th grade. – 17th edition. – T .: Teacher, 1992. – 192 6.
2. Mahmudov N., Nurmonov A., Sobirov A., Kadyrov V. Mother tongue. Textbook for 5th grade of general secondary schools - T .: Manaviyat, 2007-224 p.
3. Nematov H. and others. Mother tongue. Textbook for 5th grade. –T .: Teacher, 2000 –144 p.
4. Nematov H. Historical phonetics of the Uzbek language. – T., 1987.
5. Gulomov A., Nematov H. The content of mother tongue education: Mother tongue Teacher's Guide. - T .: Teacher, 1995.
How to Cite
Ganieva, D.S. 2021. Comments on the Methodology of Teaching Uzbek Phonetics. International Journal on Integrated Education. 4, 10 (Oct. 2021), 20-23. DOI: