Theoretical Basis for Talented Students of Higher Educational Institutions

  • Gulyamova Madina Yakubovna Department of Theory and Practice of English, Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages
  • Iroda Nodirovna Mahammatkulova Department of Theory and Practice of English, Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages
  • Rakhimov Nodir Mukhammadievich Department of Oncology, Samarkand State Medical Institute
  • Murodov Shahzod Tokhirjon oglu Department of Oncology, Samarkand State Medical Institute
Keywords: gifted student, higher educational institution, student psychology, intellectual ability


The aim of the work is to improve the content and organizational and pedagogical foundations of the technology of working with gifted students. Gifted students with certain general and specific abilities are distinguished by the following qualities: curiosity, search for answers to various questions, developed speech; rapid development of memory; early interest in science; a high level of cognitive activity and educational activity; purposefulness and originality in problem solving; development of thinking. As a result of the rapid development of informatization of education and the development of human capital, talent is not presented in the form of a triad: intellectual abilities, aspiration, creativity, but in the form of a sixtet - intellectual abilities aspiration, creativity, communication, autopsychological abilities, competence.


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How to Cite
Yakubovna, G.M., Mahammatkulova, I.N., Mukhammadievich, R.N. and oglu, M.S.T. 2021. Theoretical Basis for Talented Students of Higher Educational Institutions. International Journal on Integrated Education. 4, 10 (Oct. 2021), 39-41. DOI: