The Mechanization of Monitoring Students’ Study Rights in Secondary Schools

  • A. K. Kadrekova PhD, Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Azhiniyaz Department of Primary Education
Keywords: children, child rights, convention, monitoring concept, school, secondary school students


The article presents the results of monitoring of children's rights, the role of teachers in ensuring the well-being of children, "child", "child rights" and the National Center for Human Rights in educational institutions.


1. Bakaeva F.X., Tillabaev M.A. Child rights monitoring. - Tashkent: 2011. - 61 pages.
2. International human rights treaties (collection). - Tashkent: Adolat, 2004. - 83 pages.
3. Bakaeva F.X., Tillabaev M.A. Child rights monitoring. - Tashkent: 2011. - p.79.
How to Cite
Kadrekova, A.K. 2021. The Mechanization of Monitoring Students’ Study Rights in Secondary Schools. International Journal on Integrated Education. 4, 10 (Oct. 2021), 42-47. DOI: