Financial and credit support of the competitiveness the enterprises of the sphere of tourism in the conditions of promoting it in the world market

Keywords: tourism enterprises, tourism products, competitiveness of tourism product, financial and credit support for tourism


The article is devoted to the characterization of the priority direction of development of financial and credit support to the subjects of the tourism sector, namely, its implementation through the assessment of the competitiveness of the tourism product. It was noted that the competitiveness of the tourism product is closely tied to a specific market and the requirements of strictly defined groups of consumers, and therefore should be assessed by meeting the requirements of consumers.


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How to Cite
[email protected] 2020. Financial and credit support of the competitiveness the enterprises of the sphere of tourism in the conditions of promoting it in the world market. International Journal on Integrated Education. 2, 4 (Mar. 2020), 39-44. DOI: