Characteristics of Book Trade

  • Usmanova Nigina Marupovna Lecturer at the Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service.
Keywords: book, book trade, book production, publishing house, book author, product, buyer


Raising the morale of young people in our country and a meaningful organization of their leisure time, raising the morale of our youth, organizing systematic work to popularize reading among them, and developing the book trade. To understand the importance of the book trade as an economic system, it is necessary to improve its mechanism for increasing book production.


1. F. Kotler Fundamentals of Marketing: Short Course / Translation from English - M.: Publishing House “Williams”, 2005. - P. 27.
2. Mescon M. X., Albert M., Hedouri F. Fundamentals of Management / Translated from English - M .: A business, 2005 .- P. 19.
3. Samuelson P.E., Nordhaus V.D. Economics / Translated from English - 16th edition - M .: Publishing House “Williams”, 2003. - P. 47.
How to Cite
Marupovna, U.N. 2021. Characteristics of Book Trade. International Journal on Integrated Education. 4, 10 (Oct. 2021), 147-149. DOI: