New Information about the Characteristics of Medicinal Plants

  • Tokhirov Bakhtiyor Bakhshullayevich Bukhara State University, Department of Biology, Ph.D., Associate Professor
  • Asrorova Odinaoy Otabekovna Master of Biology, Bukhara State University
  • Sayfiyev Tokhir Fakhriddinovich Bukhara State University, Department of Biology, 4th stage
Keywords: Medicinal plants,, alkaloids, leaves, flowers, fruits, glycosides


The demand for medicinal plants is growing. Therefore, the study of medicinal plants, the study of their effects on diseases, the preparation of medicines from them are important topics. This article provides the latest information on the cultivation of medicinal plants, the impact of medicinal plants on diseases and the preparation of medicines from them in medicine.


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How to Cite
Bakhshullayevich, T.B., Otabekovna, A.O. and Fakhriddinovich, S.T. 2021. New Information about the Characteristics of Medicinal Plants. International Journal on Integrated Education. 4, 10 (Oct. 2021), 227-229. DOI: