State of restructuring and development trends

  • Murodhujaeva Feruza Majidovna Namangan State University
Keywords: Region, enterprise restructuring, structural changes, the project of restructuring, the factors of restructuring, operational restructuring, strategic restructuring, emerging risk factors in the restructuring process.


The content of the restructuring process in the regions is presented in economic, social and organizational terms, and the methodological approaches to its definition are revealed. Factors determining the peculiarities of the restructuring in the regions were identified, the systematized indicators of the financial and economic condition and the order of its implementation were described. Organizational and economic problems of restructuring were revealed in the regions and measures for their solution were identified.


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How to Cite
Murodhujaeva Feruza Majidovna 2020. State of restructuring and development trends. International Journal on Integrated Education. 2, 4 (Mar. 2020), 78-83. DOI: