Advantages of using computer graphics in the field of design

  • Mukhamedov Umarkhon Sobitovich National Institute of fine arts and design named after Kamoliddin Behzod
  • Umirzokov Rakhmatilla Rakhmonberdiyevich National Institute of fine arts and design named after Kamoliddin Behzod
Keywords: design, advertising, computer, graphics, color model


The use of computer graphics in the design area will be a great deal of convenience for the owners of this field. Graphics play a decisive role in design and advertising. This article discusses some of the uses of computer graphics in design.


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How to Cite
Mukhamedov Umarkhon Sobitovich and Umirzokov Rakhmatilla Rakhmonberdiyevich 2020. Advantages of using computer graphics in the field of design. International Journal on Integrated Education. 3, 1 (Feb. 2020), 10-12. DOI: