The historical development of the language - the basis of human history

  • Murodova Nigora Navoiy State Pedagogical Institute
Keywords: dialect, language history, obsolete word, written monuments, lexical layer, change of word meanings


The study of the national language is largely dependent on the study of the history of the people who speak the language. The people are the creators of their own culture and language as well as the creators of their own history. We study the history and culture of the people by learning the language. It is directly related to the study of the linguistic features of the dialects that exist in the language. As is known, everything that occurs in social life is reflected first and foremost in the vocabulary of the language. But over time, some words become consumed and gradually forgotten. Such words are mainly related to the material way of life of the people, but are also a rich source of information about the ethnos' history. This article discusses such words that are preserved in Uzbek dialects of Navoi region


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How to Cite
Murodova Nigora 2020. The historical development of the language - the basis of human history. International Journal on Integrated Education. 2, 4 (Mar. 2020), 119-121. DOI: