Issues of Training the Teachers in Khorezm in the 30s of the XX Century

  • Xusainbekova Gulchira Mavlonbekovna Head of the Methodological Department of the Socio-Economic Research Centre Khorezm regional center of retraining and in-service training personnel of public education
Keywords: culture of Khorezm, Soviet ideology, educational institutions, teaching


The article examines the cultural and educational environment of Khorezm during the period of socialist ideology. The contradictions between the methodology of culture and its development are presented.


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How to Cite
Mavlonbekovna, X.G. 2021. Issues of Training the Teachers in Khorezm in the 30s of the XX Century. International Journal on Integrated Education. 4, 12 (Dec. 2021), 22-24. DOI: