Protecting Future Music Teachers from the Threat of “Public Culture” and Developing Their Social and Cultural Competence

  • Ashurov Mahmud Shaxobovich Deputy Dean for Youth Affairs, Faculty of Art History, Uzbek-Finnish Pedagogical Institute of Samarkand State University
Keywords: popular culture, threat, socio-cultural, competence


This article analyzes the development of socio-cultural competence to protect future music teachers from the threat of “popular culture”. The golden treasure of our people created over the centuries, national customs and traditions, rituals and values created in our rich history, the use of all the valuable riches of folk wisdom, including the development of modern personality, protection from the influence of popular culture. Opinions based on analyzes on the problem of issues in the field for the development of socio-cultural competence of the individual are covered.


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How to Cite
Shaxobovich, A.M. 2021. Protecting Future Music Teachers from the Threat of “Public Culture” and Developing Their Social and Cultural Competence. International Journal on Integrated Education. 4, 12 (Dec. 2021), 53-56. DOI: