Traditions of Classical Music

  • Nishanova Nargiza Andijan City No. 1 children's music and art director of the school
Keywords: amal, savt, pattern, peshrav, tarona, melody, instrumental, music brochure, singing, composer


A high example of our classical music is the perceptions about the forms of percussion, action, pattern, such status in the instrumental and singing tracks of the Masterpiece, which are mentioned in detail. Music treatises of music scientist Kavkabi Bukhari, XVII century mature artist Darvish Ali Changi and other authors, who lived and worked in the XVI century, were published.


1. Fitret A. Uzbek cicic music and its history. - T.: "Science", 1993.
2. Shamsiev P. Studies on Uzbek textology. - T.: "Science", 1966.
3. Abu Ali ibn Sina. Mathematical chapters. "Books of knowledge" (Donishnoma). (On the mathematical chapters of Ibn Sina's "Book of Knowledge" and the comments of Umarov S.M. and Rosenfeld B.A.). - Dushanbe: "Irfon", 1967.
4. Al-Farabi. Treatises on music and poetry. -Alma-Ata: "Gylym", 1992.
5. Aripov Z.T. About Farabi's "Big Book of Music" (To study the original source). // Some issues of improving educational work in music institutions (methodological recommendations): Collection. - T., 1986.
6. Aripov Z.T. The complete book about the music of Ibn Zayla. // Questions of music theory and performance at the present stage: A collection of scientific papers.- T.: Tashgu. 1983.
7. Daukeeva S. The philosophy of music by Abu Nasr Muhammad al-Farabi. - Alma-Ata: Soros Foundation - Kazakhstan, 2002.
How to Cite
Nargiza , N. 2021. Traditions of Classical Music. International Journal on Integrated Education. 4, 12 (Dec. 2021), 122-124. DOI: